Day 30: blue toothed

night replies, she’s examining oceans, their toothéd blue hunger for land come plamu’g come sea wolf come pu’tupaq come gulls ask the ocean where to find her, ocean answers, trace the river come chejauk come heron come amisk come ti’amug in lace of willows at river’s wrist she twists the strands was, is, will be…

Day 29: silence of violins

violins poised for the lift conductor’s baton there are birds in trees, and seas full of fish obedient night sings cellos tympanic moon on high this moment wakeful pray your small verse then listen for the One.   Today’s image courtesy of ADD on

Day 28: Could Have Been

once tropical this northern city once underwater this broad prairie once seasonal this could have been the way of it still we do not know all the words to this song. Edmonton’s Geological History  Today’s image from Norman Bosworth on

Day 27: altered state

presuppose steady state add sparrowsong, wild gold shaking the tree steady ocean must be stirred, add moon and to dark winter a slice of lemon easterly pull the sun north over the river steady breathing add whistling cranes their victory song calligraphed from one end of vision to the other space hearts such that light…

Day 26: Back Space

rock and roll rides the back beat heavy two and four move it to the three, bring sun and southern oceans move it to the one, stop time, for the space it takes to lift your heart with eagles glide silk currents over continental song lines remember blue, as above where air becomes between, so…

Day 25: In the Margins

of rivers, live swallows fishers, martens, otters others too miraculous of mountains, soft breezes pine carpets, tall grasses small valleys, jewels in pockets of day vision, a shimmer where zabeh walks between here and one slanting molecule over of night, orchestral passion, terror, anger lonely cats and offcasts of memory when geese and cranes sing…

Day 24: anaphora in one

One one song one song at the coming of morning one song over the water one voice and then another one one one day one day when the soldiers go too far one day of decision long fermenting one step and then another one one one world one world where gibbons dance one world of…

Day 23: Briefcase of Sedation

1. When I emerge from this brief case of sedation, drawled the poet in his Montréalais growl, I’ll be arrayed in robes of starlight. Then we’ll dance. 2. It’s just too easy to imagine spies in Sixties’ palettes, knife-crease pants far more alcohol than today’s meek livers and doctors would chance; the case swung well,…

Day 22: Laconic Tonic

Don’t ‘at’ me any Earth Day bullshit, i’m in the garden: unless you have some skin to put in this game, shut up. If all you have is voice then tell me like a peasant only the poet bones of it. But better you bend your back to shovel lift these bricks, use knees. Kill…

Day 21: Distance Between

shard and treasure garden and rubble over and renewal peak oil crisis oil glut crisis new ice age crisis global warming crisis nuclear crisis viral crisis crisis of faith clarified vision shell crisis and fledging wind and harbour said and heard heard and accepted apprehend and comprehend curtain rise and fall over and renewal rubble…

Day 20: disproof

Long before Amiskwaciy an inland sea, balmy changed for Her own reasons long before we named her Gaia. In Nass valley, volcanic green. Off Sri Lanka’s coast, city of myth. Amber birthed in Baltic gloaming. Tales of Atlantis. Song after song extolling our echo of the One Song in which She, too is singing. When…

Day 19: in and out of focus

It slips, the mechanism beyond reach and so decide: empire hides in your friends who spend nights awake, dazed in psych wards, prescribed calming doses against delusion that things lurch because they do not fulfil democratic duty to be Greta and Greta and greater than the sum of one in empire. Beyond the slippery mechanism…