As Good as It Gets

Is there a better moment in arts and culture work than this? To look out on a packed venue of friends, family, and community colleagues, and realize you have a place, you have work to do, and that you are blessed to know a whole lot of kind, generous, supportive souls there for you. Because…

Book Trailer – Urbane

“If only I had just punched her in the face.”  Having survived a stint as a shapeshifter’s accomplice on a mission of vengeance and redemption, unlicensed detective and self-professed asshole Hazel LeSage returns. The aftermath of violence has left Hazel with questions, wounds and unexpected friends including Shanaya Bhattacharya, a very unusual lawyer whose thirst…

Stonehouse Launch – You’re Invited!

June 3rd, 2023, Stonehouse Publishing launches its 2023 season, featuring URBANE, sequel to Humane. Preorder here. You can also order Stonehouse’s complete Spring 2023 package, including new works from DKStone, Sandra Kelly and Anthony Bidulka.

ShapeShifters! In Conversation Sunday the 19th the day; life has been turbulent, but we’ve finally found enough elements in alignment to sit down together and talk about ShapeShifting. Come on out. Richard Lemm is a brilliant thinker, writer and conversationalist, and I’m tickled to bits to have the chance to spend some time in public conversation. 4…

Top Books!

April 29th, I was out with two very special women, who’ve been at my side and had my back since I was 10 years old. How fitting that they were the ones to take me to Chapters South Edmonton for a post-dinner rummage around the literary offerings there. Mark Messier’s memoir was prominently displayed in…

Book Club Reflection: the Power of RISE

It has been 16 months since Humane launched, and what an amazing ride it’s been. Any time I wonder about the usefulness of writing a novel, I get sent wonderful messages from various sources. Here’s one that cropped up today while I was researching language resources (specifically, recorded examples of how to pronounce ‘Maengan’ –…

Questions for Bestsellers

A friend and colleague sent me this tonight, news that Humane, in its second year now since release, is again (still) on the Alberta Bestsellers List. We’re not a huge market. But we’re my home market. And I’m thrilled that people continue to take Humane home and engage with it. I know that part of…

Reviews and Interviews: Humane

Coming up on the first anniversary of Humane’s debut, I’m thrilled anew by the warm reception this book has received in communities across Canada. Here are four of my favourite reviews and interviews: CBC Radio The Next Chapter With Shelagh Rogers April 16 Humane Selected for Alberta Reads I’m in Frankfurt this week, wobbling astonished…

Invitation to the World

Dear friends around the world; the one good thing about launching online is that you can join in, for free, online wherever you’re online. You can order my novel for $20CAD + shipping; you can order all 5 of the novels Stonehouse is launching tomorrow. Or you can just drop in and enjoy – we’ll…

Humane Launch Invitation

This is it! We’re launching online, which means you can join us from anywhere in the world. I am blessed to have my first novel come out in company with excellent fellow writers Elizabeth Bales Frank, Robin Van Eck, Sabrina Uswak and Karin Goble, under the auspices of Stonehouse Publishing. A friend of the publisher,…