May 23rd: Birthing It For the World (the Cribbage Hand Year)

In this, the day after the occasion of the fulfilment of a cribbage hand of years since my father’s passing i talk at length with some of my kin and realise, it’s more than time to renovate You and Me Against the World though it must be said that has kept us alive. Imagine what we…

May 9: Transit of Mercury

Transit of Mercury god of communication jumped up sleepless, breathless, gasping image image image flying orbit far beyond context connections flickering dark across the constant sun black dash dash dash somewhere down there meaning burns dot dot dot

Fire Moon: Waiting for the Tide

listening to the radio, a mother telling of her son, calling the sun a fire moon. she speaks of driving through the burned city, where there were glowing trees that were coals themselves, still standing. our home is listed among havens for the homeless, and now we await the slowly gathering tide of people. many…

May 2: What if I Go Singing?

I live in an elm cathedral, where i live there is room for birds. Lady bees bustle rummage sale in the shrubberies all May long. Here, too, the song. I know what i must do, every day lift up the song, the old song, let it be heard here in these streets, let this cathedral…