Ferocious In the Service of Love

“the heart is our lens for seeing” Raffi Cavoukian In this time of rising tides in this time of shattering in this shorn hair time, where darkness pools; let the blessed black of holy night where mystery holds sway by right again become a resting place, guarded by those who walk ferocious in the service of love….

One Moon, Many Faces

This poem is the first one i translated into Spanish on my Español page. One Moon, Many Faces At the balance point between summer and autumn so much turns on the breath of fog falling over a broad green stream. To be so pierced by light vague, faceless sun given specific, cratered glory And down in…

Walking the Dark

Just read another blog, from another friend, speaking about yet one more experience of darkness. One more person who appears so bright, who turns out to be struggling. I guess that’s it. When we walk in the darkness, we might forget that, to others, we are a light. So, in this new year, just want…