Poem up at The Polyglot’s Pensieri

I’m so thrilled to be part of The Polyglot, a group of writers dedicated to celebrating multi-language writing. Honoured to have my poem Being As Matryoshka posted in their new Pensieri blog.

Zoom Saloon Prompts

Hey, friends. Thanks to all who came out to the Zoom Saloon with Robert Okaji. As promised there, here’s our ghazal exchange and the invitation to respond in verse via the comment section here (or on his site). If you weren’t able to tune in today, and yet feel inspired to versify, please do. In…

Welcome to Zoom Saloon!

This Saturday, February 10th, at 1 PM Mountain time, I have the great pleasure of hosting the very first edition of Zoom Saloon. This event will feature noted American poet Robert Okaji, in conversation and reading from his extensive body of work. Joining Bob will be Stephanie L. Harper. For my part, I’ll be joined…

Outer Space, Inner Light

As midwinter shows the first hints of spring to come, I’m excitedly awaiting the premiere of Outer Space, Inner Light; I wrote the text in response to a choral score by the amazing Mari Alice Conrad, who wrote that score in response to a different poem, Book of Songs,* which was the title and text…

At First Light

Here’s Toronto’s Exultate Choir performing a morning meditation of mine, set for choir by Mari Alice Conrad. Her setting received the Stephen Chatman Award for student composition this spring at Podium, Canada’s national choral symposium, when this video was recorded. Here’s the original post of At First Light, which I wrote in May 2020 as…

Letter to Bob by mustang from my town

I wanna live on your street, Bob. Mind you, my such street is a whole village filled, not with envy and the boredom of blocked horizons, but with a sweet reciprocating danger line between us and the moose and the bears – so much for you, so much for me, and that traveling salesman of…

Poetry Video

Back in 2021, the Edmonton Poetry Festival responded to the pandemic by commissioning poets to create recordings of our work. This is my “virtual chapbook” (to quote Dr. Don Perkins): This video was recorded on GarageBand and iMovie, using my own music (tracks 2 and 3) and open source Apple Loops arranged by me (all…

The March This Time: a Collective Conversation

Looking back to 2014, it seems a kinder, gentler time. Dr. Cornett is a wise, genuine, passionate teacher who leads with spirit and vulnerability. Interesting to look back at his work, now that Dr. Jordan Peterson has risen to prominence; now that Me Too has had its moment, now that this kind of conversation feels…

Hey. Why you going to see the Pope, if you got such a chip on your shoulder, eh? Because this chip on my shoulder has a name. Because of the damned. Because of the rammed. The raped. The beaten. The killed. The blamed for their savage natures, they all had names. Because I remain. Because…

The Wild Keeps Quiet

Ducks write lines in water beaver testify all along shores Lakes like fingertips pressed into the living world for memory beyond our grasp And we wonder what they talked about, our ancestors, if We share tales of them all through trails pockmarked by horses, deer, dogs humans at leisure on foot and bike On our…


Dark mind and paranoia sat upon my house, so I left Dogs and all, and we took to the bush Up Mill Creek the news was 24/7, relentless Spring cannot be stopped, whip the Mother though they may I can’t claim ‘we’ at the moment, though I know, I know There is no abdication from…